Autosanitaria Trentino Emergenza graphic evaluation

    • Autosanitaria Trentino Emergenza graphic evaluation

      Hi to everyone,
      I'm new here. Today, I tried to put a new car graphic in the game, but it was rejected. In the comments, it was written that I had to present it on the forum, and here I am :).

      I upload the graphic here and some photos of the vehicle, let me know how it is :).

      For context, the car is a NEF used here in Italy more precisely in the Trentino Region by Trentino Emergenza.

      Thank you in advance for any reply and tips.
      • 1.png

        317.26 kB, 512×341, viewed 65 times
      • 2.png

        341.2 kB, 512×341, viewed 107 times
      • Autosanitaria decal Trento 3.png

        609.23 kB, 2,731×984, viewed 231 times
    • The blurry contour-lines and the blurred wheels make me strongly doubt that you drew the vehicle by yourself. However, if you did, the contour-markings have to be black and must not blend with the vehicle's decals. Additionally, the quality of the rims is unfortunately too poor.
      Status 10
    • Good evening,

      thank you for your answer.
      I can confirm that I do it entirely by myself, using a background image to draw the lines, and the wheels are blurry because I tried to upscale them from another project that has a lower dimension, in fact, this is the first time that I made a project like that.
      Looking at the other graphics in this forum that are already implemented in the game, I don't know how you guys manage to do them so well...really.

      Anyway, if you have any suggestions, in addition to those already listened, please tell me...they will be very appreciated.

      Thanks again,
      Have a nice night.