Bass D's USA Ambulance & Fire Rescue trucks

    • Bass D's USA Ambulance & Fire Rescue trucks

      [Overview updated May 5th, 2020]

      I started with creating USA Ambulances, Fire Engines, Ladders, Rescues and other American Cars in november 2016.
      All drawings are created with Gimp and Inkscape. Starting with AutoCad the first ones, but quickly stopped with that.
      All cars are 100% made by myself, except the mercedes sprinter ambulances (or cabins).

      Because I thought it would be easy for other dispatch-creators to find my graphics the easy way, this first post has been changed.
      It was text-only. Now it shows all created graphics (in very small low detailed pictures) with information.
      The original drawings can be found in this topic. Enjoy!

      The post was edited 16 times, last by Bass D. ().

    • American Medical Response Ambulances
      These Ambulances have new colors and stickers nowadays.
      Medics and AMR are the same company (AMR bought Medics), so these ambulances are pretty simular.

      AMR old colors:
      AMR new colors nationwide:

      The same for Medics:
      Old colors:
      New colors:…florida-12-1377719297.jpg

      A Ford E350 ambulance Type II, K5 Traumahawk. Lots of this type drive around in the USA.
      Emergency lights from Whelen (perimeter)
      This model will be the base for multiple ambulance companies

      The post was edited 6 times, last by Bass D. ().

    • Hey, that's great! I'm looking forward to the completed AMR units, so with your permission i could use them for the Los Angeles County Operations? :)
      Benutzt das Wiki: WIKI LstSim Es sollte DAS Nachschlagewerk zur Sim werden!!!

      Leitstelle Olpe [260]
      Leitstelle Sauerland [495]
      Leitstelle Mark [1260]
      FDNY*EMS [7095]
      LA County Fire Department [17036]
      Leitstelle Siegen-Wittgenstein [1068]

    • Sure! If the team accepts my drawings and files... I make them from scratch, so I don't really have one specific photo I use.
      I've got the dimensions, a couple of own pics, some pics from the internet, some movies, and I use all of these to create one graphic.
      AMR and medics are almost the same (If you look at the photo's) cause it is the same company.
      They work in multiple states so the graphics can be used everywhere they operate.

      The miami dade ambulance I need to be redraw because graphics ain't good enough,
      But that one is started from scratch also, so it there is no specific source of the graphic -> I made it myself :)

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Bass D. ().

    • With the Ford E350 it was easy to start modelling it to the Medics Ambulance.
      AMR incorporated the Medics company and the ambulances look familiar.
      As you see at the parking lot, both ambulance are parked at the same parking lot.

      In Miami Dade there are 2 locations where ambulances are stalled. Also in Broward County and Palm Beach.
      • AMRtype2OLDklaar.png

        481.84 kB, 3,371×1,362, viewed 966 times
      • MEDICS2klaar.png

        398.74 kB, 3,356×1,375, viewed 1,244 times
      • 2016-11-29 (13).png

        754.26 kB, 808×432, viewed 870 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bass D. ().

    • New project will be a Box ambulance, also in Miami form the miami dade fire department and miami beach fire rescue.
      The first one to draw is in the pictures. Spartan FurionRT (rescue transport) custom chassis is the base of the ambulance. The box is manufactured by Braun, type called Super Chief.
      The first types are manufactured since 2010.

      The other ambulance is build on a base of the Ford F-350 with Braun Express, Type 1 ambulance. These ambulances were delivered in 2015
      • 4656079110_201ff641cd_b.jpg

        361.51 kB, 1,024×685, viewed 1,063 times
      • 4946210127_e36d44389c_o.jpg

        169.71 kB, 1,139×854, viewed 791 times
      • pennwell.web.288.216.jpg

        57.81 kB, 288×216, viewed 855 times
      • 2016-12-01 (1).png

        673.77 kB, 688×514, viewed 867 times

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Bass D. ().

    • First the older type Ford E350 AEV Type III Ambulance.
      This is also transfered into AMR and MEDICS ambulances.

      And paint it in the new AMR colors

      And one of the most beautiful car wraps in Florida is the AMR ambulances stationed at the Palm beach Children's Hospital.
      24-7 Specialized ambulances are standby for transporting critical neonate and pediatric patients.
      Cost me a couple of hours, but here it is!

      The post was edited 13 times, last by Bass D.: Added PNG graphics ().

    • Well, started the most difficult ambulance so far. Spartan Furion RT (Rescue Transport) chassis with a Braun Type 1 Patiënt Module (Super Chief).
      Very hard to create from scratch with the details on these types of emergency vehicles.

      The unit can carry up to six firefighters/paramedics. Miami Dade bought 15 pieces since 2008.
      Station 3 houses the only red-white color ambulance to honour the fallen firefighter of nine-eleven.
      The units will be created in the Miami Dade colors and in Red.

      Now working on the lights and windscreen/windows.
      Then the painting and striping will be added.

      These ambulances will be created (external link for example)
      Rescue 3 Miami Dade Fire Rescue
      Rescue 12 Miami Dade Fire Rescue

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Bass D. ().

    • christophorus15fan wrote:

      Hi, first i've to say, that i like your work!

      It would be nice, if you use different wide lines. I usually use 3px for the door, 2px for the outline and 1px for the fine lines. It looks better, if the door has different wide lines than the contour.

      Hey Lukas,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      I hope that many trucks will follow, so I'll take your points in the next graphics.
    • A 2014 Ford E350 with a Horton 453 Type III Patient module.
      This unit is driving in Key West at the Key West Fire Department since april 2015.
      Link of the ambulance / rescue truck is HERE.

      Wheelbase: 3.50mtr
      Chassis Ford from bumper to Patiënt module: 2.54mtr
      The Patiënt Modules outside dimensions: 3.68x2.26mtr
      Total length: 6.22mtr (Inclusive the backdoor steps)

      Some other ambulances, created december 2016:
      Three Ford E350 units, produced by Demers in 2007, for a privat ambulance company.

      The post was edited 8 times, last by Bass D.: PNG added. Some forgotten ambulances added. ().

    • Well, now there will be 3 Miami Dade Ambulance Service Ambulances.
      The fleet has different kind of ambulances. I'll make three of them.
      Of 2 I already have "blanco" drawings... The Ford E350 type II and Type III with AEV patiënt units.
      The number three will be a Ford E350 Type III with a patiënt unit created by Demers,
      It isa Ford E350 Demers Mirage Light (Type II) with integrated emergency lights.
      The unit I draw was manufactured in 2009. The Blanco of the AEV Ford type II ambulance has the same chassis and onlu the roof and back of the ambulance have to be modified.
      Not a huge job, but it will create a brandnew type. Car lenght is 6.01mtr.

      More information about the manufacturer:…ectionId=148&productId=49
      The ambulance wich is created is this one:

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Bass D. ().